Trail Riders of DuPage

Trail Riders Of DuPage (TROD)
is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded to assist and educate horseback riders and other trail users in the promotion and preservation of
multi-purpose trails.
Founded in 1992, TROD is an all volunteer membership organization that provides a vital voice for the preservation and creation of sustainable trails for equestrian use. TROD promotes trail riding by holding organized rides and educational activities throughout the year promoting safe riding, trail etiquette, proper horse care and ERT training classes for first responders. If you love horses and would like to see our local trails remain open to equestrian use, see our membership section to join, renew or make a contribution.
Why Join?
Membership Dues
$20 per Individual, Family or Organization
If you prefer to pay by check, please download our printable membership application and mail it together with your payment to the address on the form.
TROD Membership Form (pdf)